I LOVE Nutella!!! Some of you guys might have picked that up from my About Page and my fantastic Nutella Chunk Cookies but I am just re-stating the fact. Most recently I made a Strawberry- Nutella Panini. Believe me, this recipe can’t go wrong. 🙂 This recipe possibly might be a child’s “dream lunch.” After …
Maple Cinnamon Roll Pancakes are decadent pancakes with a sweet and delicious cinnamon roll swirl cooked into them, and they’re topped with a drizzle of cream cheese frosting. Our Cinnamon Roll Coffee Cake, and RecipeGirl’s original Cinnamon Roll Pancakes have both been so popular. So why not make a maple version of cinnamon roll pancakes? …
For my friend’s birthday (the same friend that made the Polka Dot Cookies with me), I decided to make a cake that my mom has made before on her blog. Since my friend’s favorite candy is Kit Kats, I made a Kit Kat Cake. I supposed that if he liked Kit Kats, he MUST …
I’m going to show you how to make walking tacos! These are “tacos” that you eat in a bag instead of tortillas. All of the great taco fillings are added to a bag of Fritos! Watch the video showing you how to make walking tacos, then scroll to the bottom and print out the recipe so …
Are you ready to learn about my baconlicious appetizer experiment? I made Bacon- Wrapped Appetizers. If you don’t know what baconlicious means, it means that something has bacon in it and it is delicious. In the Lange household, we pretty much worship bacon. For the rapidly approaching Super Bowl, everyone that is reading this blog …
Christmas time is right under our feet and it’s time to make some last minute Christmas cookies for Sunday. While all of the boys are watching the football games on Saturday (yes Saturday), hop in the kitchen and make these yummy Polka Dot Cookies. I’m pretty sure that none of you have seen multicolored chocolate …
Thanksgiving is here! Our family has a tradition that we go on a long hike every Thanksgiving morning and play a game called “26 Things That I Am Thankful For.” Our tradition is to think of something that you’re thankful for that starts with every letter of the alphabet. Like mine: A– animals (scientists say …
As you all know, Halloween just passed and I was only trick-or-treating for one hour but still got four pounds of candy! Since four pounds of candy would make me as round as the Earth, I decided to donate pretty much all of it to the local orthodontist who gives one dollar back to my …
Today I am going to be sharing Part 2 of my Best Books for Boys– best for ages 9 to 12. These are my Top 5 favorite series. I had a tough time fitting all of the good ones in so I made an Honorable Mentions List at the end. #5 Simon Bloom: The Gravity …
This site is usually about food, but today I’m going to write about books. I love to read. I go through books like crazy! Literally, I read more than 3 books a week and sometimes I read a really good book in just one day! This is why I love to read! Because my mom …